Preferred Fitness
In our dedication to health and wellness, Florida Health Care Plans created the Preferred Fitness program that provides eligible members access to 65+ fitness centers across our service areas. Preferred Fitness will provide eligible members to the basic, standard membership at our participating partnered facilities at no additional cost. Please note that fees may apply for additional benefits that are not included in the basic, standard membership.
*The Preferred Fitness program provides access to the basic, standard membership and benefits at the participating facilities at no additional cost to eligible FHCP members. Fees may apply for additional benefits.

1. Log in to your Member Portal to confirm your active plan has the Preferred Fitness benefit.
2. Bring your FHCP Member ID card to any Preferred Fitness gym partner facility listed here during staffed business hours and ask to be registered with a membership through FHCP.
3. Once your eligibility has been confirmed using your FHCP Member ID, the gym staff will register you into their membership system, ask you to sign a waiver, and provide check-in instructions.
There is no limit to how many gyms you can belong to at a time or how often you can attend within our Preferred Fitness network!
Benefits of Preferred Fitness & Exercise
Balance and Motion
Join senior fitness specialist, Artie G., for BAM! “Balance and Motion.” Develop balance, coordination, core strength, flexibility, and range of motion with this FREE class included in the Preferred Fitness benefit. Class sessions are 45 minutes long, very gentle, and offer an upbeat, supporting environment for all fitness levels. BAM Class Schedule can be found through the FHCP Events Calendar. Please contact the hosting facilities to register.